Frequent questions about CUI that were asked since our last update:
Are there any resources on how to manage the markings of documents? For instance, are there utilities that mark Word, Excel, PDF, e-mails automatically, or is this something that must be manually put in place?
Yes, actually there is a new CUI Marking Aid that was recently updated: CUI Marking Aid
How much CUI should we expect to be handling; more specifically, does a piece of CUI reveal itself as such or is this a determination we must make? Example: A new contact is won - Are all emails and documents related to that contract immediately deemed CUI, or would it be something more specific like only official government released documents?
Great question, this link provides all the information you are inquiring on? There is no short answer for this as this has been a topic of discussion by many in our group with no straight answer. https://www.archives.gov/cui. This should be specified on the RFP itself. Confirm this with the contract officer
How do I determine what areas of business are required for CUI?
To identify the categories and where your business may fit in is at this website: https://www.dodcui.mil/Home/DoD-CUI-Registry/. A good portion of Government Contractors that we deal with fit into the three categories:
General Procurement and Acquisition: https://www.archives.gov/cui/registry/category-detail/procurement-acquisition
Small Business Research and Technology: https://www.archives.gov/cui/registry/category-detail/small-business-research-and-technology
Source Selection: https://www.archives.gov/cui/registry/category-detail/source-selection
What CUI training is available?
The DOD CUI website has free, yet, mandatory training for CUI: https://securityhub.usalearning.gov/index.html
Are some Primes requiring that all subs require CMMC Level 1?
Yes, this is the case. This will be a cost of doing business.
CMMC Latest News:
CMMC-AB has their new Market Place page. https://www.cmmcab.org/marketplace
First 11 LPPs (Licensed Partner Publishers) to Deliver Certification Curriculum as of 9/10/2020
Again, there has still been no CMMC pricing structure for RPO RP implementations or C3PAO Assessments provided.
Look for our latest CMMC update next week.