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The Value and Advantages of ISO 22301

Updated: Apr 25

ISO 22301:2019 is the international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems and is designed to help organizations protect against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from business disruptions and emergencies. These can be natural or man-made disasters, security breaches, IT failures, or any other kinds of major threat that disrupts normal business operations.

iso 22301 disaster recovery

Advantages of ISO 22301:2019

There are multiple advantages to becoming certified to ISO 22301:2019. First, being certified to ISO 22301:2019 demonstrates to your stakeholders that your organization has processes and procedures in place to identify and manage current and future threats, keep critical functions up and running during a crisis, and minimize downtime while improving recovery time.

Second, certification allows you to comply with legal requirements around business continuity compliance, which more and more countries are adopting as part of their laws and regulations. Certification also helps meet contractual obligations for entities that require their subcontractors to have a business continuity plan in place.

Third, organizations that are ISO 22301:2019 certified will gain a competitive advantage over those organizations that are not certified to this international standard. This can open doors with potential customers that require the delivery of products and services to remain consistent, and without interruption.

iso 22301 business continuity plan

Lastly, certification can be the reason your company doesn’t go out of business following a major disruption or disaster. Statistically speaking, 50% of businesses without a business continuity plan fail after a major incident, 40% never re-open, and 25% close within two years.* It’s imperative that all businesses have the processes and procedures in place to handle a major disruption to stay in business.

If you’re in need of help with ISO 22301:2019, contact us today so you can learn more about what it’s like to work with us and how we can be the right partner for you.


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