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From NIST.Gov: 800-172 Offers Tools to Help Defend Against State-Sponsored Hackers

Highlights from the article:

  • Special Publication (SP) 800-172 from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides guidance to protect such “controlled unclassified information” (CUI) from the APT.

  • The protection of sensitive federal information that resides in nonfederal systems — such as those used by state and local governments, colleges and universities, and independent research organizations — is of paramount importance, as it can directly impact the federal government’s ability to carry out its operations.

  • The enhanced security requirements are to be implemented in addition to those in SP 800-171, since that publication is not designed to address the APT. The requirements in SP 800-172 apply to the components of nonfederal systems that process, store or transmit CUI or that provide protection for such components.

The 800-172 publication can be found here:


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